Thursday 5 July 2012

Music Choice

Now I have deconstructed music videos of different genres and have a better understanding of the generic conventions, I am going to start work on my own music video for a brand new artist.

I have decided to focus on the Indie genre. I have decided this genre because of the creative style of the genre which I discovered in my deconstructions. With this style I could use all my creativity and all of my skills such as animation techniques to create a interesting, visually pleasing music video.

When doing my deconstructions I came across a song which I believed had high potential to be the song I use in my music promo video to launch my new artist. The song I found was "NeverShoutNever - I Love You 5"
    The reason why I thought this song had potential was because of the clear lyrical story within it which would aid me to create a music video keeping to the generic convention of the shots matching the lyrics for the song. Since discovering the song I have been keeping a look out for a person who could become my new artist and star in my video. Originally I looked for a male since the song is sung by a male. However after listening to my peers comments about how Christofer Drew, the lead singer, sounds almost female I looked for a female. I did not have any success finding a person to star as my new artist which would fit Christofer Drews voice. I then took the alternative path of looking for covers of the song so I could still use the lyrics to influence the music video. However after browsing Youtube and Myspace it quickly came apparent that none of the covers on the Internet were good enough quality to use for my music video.

    I therefore had to find a new song, preferably with a female artist as I have many more female peers willing to participate in my coursework meaning I have more options about who I pick to match the voice of the song. To find a song I used YouTube to browse through many unknown artists. I eventually came across a song by "Nina Nesbitt" called "Glue".

    I liked this song because of the similar feel and style to my original choice "NeverShoutNever - I Love You 5".  The music video for the song is also very simple and repetitive with simple drawings which links to the lyrics of the song being drawn on lined paper. Because of the simplistic video, I can create my own version and it be unique.  The video has only been seen by a relatively small amount of people with the music video having 71,300 views to date(4th of July 2012) since its posting date of 15th November 2011.

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