Tuesday 10 July 2012

New York Video School - How To Shoot a Music Video

 On the 10th of July in the media lesson, we looked at a video on YouTube. It came from the New York Video School and was titled"How To Shoot a Music Video"
There were several notable things I learnt from this video.
  • The male in the video began by suggesting the first shot in a music video, the establishing/,aster shot should be a wide angle long shot of the location and the band/artist. The purpose of the establishing shot is to introduce the artist/s featuring in the video and to start establishing a narrative along with a location. Therefore the idea of using a wide angle long shot works well and I may incorporate it within my music video
  • After the establishing shot he suggested that there is single shots of each band member at a time. These shots should be mid shots and close ups to introduce the band member. As I am using a solo artist this is not relevant to my music video. However the idea of mid shots and close ups being used is very important and something I already plan to do within my music video as it is one of Goodwin's generic conventions from his theory.
  • There are two types of lighting which can be used within a music video. Natural lighting and pictorial lighting. Natural lighting is wear a shot is naturally lit by the sun for example or lit with lights to make it seem natural. Pictorial lighting is where you light a scene with maximum drama and expressionistic lighting. I learnt that using both these methods of lighting within a video can create a dynamic look to the visuals making it more interesting for the audience to watch. I will consider these types of lighting when filming my music video.
  • There are two types of shooting. The first is using a tripod to create a steady shot and the other is hand held camera. Hand held camera can be effective to create a more naturalistic documentary real life feel to a music video. It can also be used to highlight the pace of a fast song. In my music video, to achieve top marks I know I need to be able to show that i can create a steady shot so using hand held camera all the way through wont be viable. However I may try using the technique in parts of my chosen song: "Nina Nesbitt - Glue" as it will fit in well with the lyrics.

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