Wednesday 10 October 2012

Alterations While Filming

Alterations While Filming

Because of unforeseen circumstances, I had to make some changes from my original shotlist when filming my final shots.

I originally planned to buy 3D paper maché numbers for my artist to hold up in the first sequence of shots in the video. I searched the Internet and found these for sale cheaply in the Arts and Craft shops Hobbycraft. However, after visiting this shop twice and the munbers being out of stock both times, I decided instead to use printed numbers on a sheet of paper.
I wanted to use bognor beach as the location for the photo sequence of shot numbers 7A to 9A. However, this location was out the way for my actors and we had a hard time trying to arrange a time convientant for all parties where we could film this sequence. Eventually, because of time pressures this sequence was filmed in Chichester, behind Bishops Palace Gardens; the location I had used for other shots.This location was not as attractive  as my original plan but did add historical content to my video as in the background is Chichesters old roman wall. 

Now I have filmed all my shots, I can start the editing process. I am using the programme Pinnacle Studios to edit my music video together. This is a effective programme that I have used before. Editing is a long process that can take more time than filming. To keep track of my editing progress I am going to use a editing note table. This will include what shot I decide to use and any editing details such as a change of colour.

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