Monday 1 October 2012

Digipack Introduction


    While I am waiting for my filming to be completed so I can edit my final music video together, to make best use of my time, I am going to start my first subsidiary task of creating a digipak.

     This means creating my own digipak for my new artist. I will need to discover the generic conventions of digipaks within the indie genre so I can apply them to my digipak. There are several templates which digipaks come in. Some with a booklet, some without and some which fold out to create a shape. I will then have to decide which template is best fitting with my digipak and use it. The next step will be to plan what images I am going to take for my digipak. Test shots will be important to this step as i can then experiment with lighting and position of the camera. The last step will then be constructing my final digipak using the best images I have taken and uploading it online.  

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