Thursday 18 October 2012

Post Production - Viewing of my music video

As part of the post production process of my music video, I need to research where my music video will be shown or watched by members of my target audience and other audiences too.

YouTube is a video sharing website which was created in February 2005.  Individuals upload videos onto the website which can be watched by other people. As the video sharing website became popular, larger companies started offering material on the site. Youtube has also become a advertising centre. Adverts can be seen before videos are viewed. In November 2006, YouTube was brought by google for the price of $1.65 billion.
Many artists now use YouTube as the main viewing platform for members of their target audience to view their music videos. Official music videos are uploaded by  the bands official page on YouTube which is partly run by the record company they belong too. On YouTube, many unknown bands have made their way to the top by uploading their music and music videos. The song I am using for my artist: "Glue by Nina Nesbitt" has a total of 100,513 views. She is still a relatively new artist with only 1 EP album released. The large amount of views ammounted for this one song suggests that YouTube and easy access to her music has boosted her credibility and popularity as a artist.

I am planning to place my video on Youtube. If I was going to release my track officially into the music market then I would be placing the video on YouTube to gain followers. Instead, I am going to place the video on YouTube to gain valuable feedback from members of my potential target audience.

iTunes is one of the biggest online music download sites available. it is run by apple who launched the store to link up with their music playing products such as the ipod nano and the ipod classic. iTunes has recently started offering a new feature; the ability to buy music videos. If I were to release my music video I would consider getting it available to buy on the Apple iTunes store so my target audience do have the opportunity to buy the music video along with the song if they so wish.

Music Channels
In the modern technological age, the most popular viewing platform for music videos is online. This is the same for my target audience. In my generic music questionnaire, 90% of my target audience said they viewed music videos online. However, if I could have my music video shown on music channels on the TV, it could gain more popularity for both my artist and the video. There are several Music Channels shown on TV in the UK.

4Music is a music channel available to everybody in the UK since the digital switchover. They mainly focus on whatever music is in the charts and in popular demand. This means they cover a wide variety of genres but mainly focus on R&B, Hip-Hop and pop genres as these are the ones which are currently most popular in the UK. However, from my own personal viewing habits, I know that they sometimes do feature indie genre programmes which play several different songs from the indie genre over a period of 1 to 3 hours. Therefore, There is a possibility that 4Music would be a suitable music channel for my music video to be viewed on. But, there may be a better music channel which focuses purely on the Indie Genre which would be better for advertising my music video and artist.

Viva is a music video and entertainment channel available to everybody in the UK since the digital switchover. It was launched in 26th of October 2009 replacing another music channel; TMF. The genres viva represents are very similar to the ones which 4 music represents; pop, R7B and whatever is current in the music charts of the UK.
Viva tends to have music video programmes during the day time and has now expanded into showing entertainment programmes such as the Fresh Prince of Bel air and South Park in the evenings. They are no longer a completely dedicated music channel which is why I would not like my Music Video to be shown on the music channel.

MTV has a total of 11 different music channels which can be accessed on Sky and other equivalent
digital packages. There is MTV's main channel which focuses on a wide variety of genres with this channel having a +1 channel and a HD channel. There also separate MTV music channels which focus on certain genres. These range from classical to live music.
My music video would fit in well on the channel MTV music which plays a variety of music. It would also fit on their flagship channel of MTV. MTV is a large company with music channels and also music magazines all run by the parent company of Viacom International Media Networks Europe. If i were to use MTV as a channel to have my music video shown, It could also mean I would be more likely to have my new album advertised in one of the MTV magazines.
One of the limitations however of having MTV as a viewing platform for my music video is that MTV is only available on certain digital boxes and therefore not available for everybody to view meaning some of my audiences may miss out.

SCUZZ and Kerrang!
These are two different music channels belonging to different companies. They are some of the most popular music channels and like MTV are only found on certain digital boxes. I know, despite the popularity of the two channels, that my music video would not be suitable. This is because these two channels represent the rock and metal genres.

I know it is vital that I place my video up on YouTube for free. This is due to my audience feedback saying this is the way they use most to view music videos. It would be up there for free meaning my artist and any record company she would be signed too would not make any money. However, it would encourage audiences to listen to the music by Tempany and encourage them to purchase the music. I would also put the video up on iTunes for sale.

As for music channels, I believe that approaching both 4Music and MTV would be the best way to advance. By approaching both companies there is a possibility that my music video could be shown on both channels increasing the amount of people who could view the video. This also allows all members of the audience to view the video on 4Music as that channel is now available to everybody since the digital switchover. But it also my artist to make conections with the larger company of MTV which could prove helpful in the future.

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