Wednesday 14 November 2012

Digipak Designs

Digipak Designs

 I now need to plan and design my digipak. From looking at different templates of digipaks, I have decided on my basic template for my digipak. I would like to have a digipak that is wrapped up and sealed in some way. This has the connotations of it being a present for the audience. I got this idea from this digipak that I looked at for ideas about different templates.

Because I am going to have a cover over the digipak, I have decided to keep my digipak template simple. I used the website to look at and download different template designs. The template I have decided upon can be seen below.

With the two bits of my digipak together, I believe it will be interesting and dynamic which will attract the target audience. In questionnaires I conducted at the start of my production, 60% of my target audience responded that a attractive digipak would encourage them to buy the physical version of the album rather than purchase it online. Therefore, it is important that my digipak attracts my target audience. 

I am going to experiment with different design ideas of my digipak and then create the cover for my digipak after I have found a suitable house style. For this, I am going to use  Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0. I am going to use my digipak template and use images online along with my own original text to create a few mock ups to decide which one is best.

This was my first design.  I decided to have a digipak covered in text. I discovered a font that I liked; Tropicali Script BTN Bamboo. I used this font throughout this digipak design to help create a house style. I used lyrics to decorate the inside of the digipak. The target audience will be able to identify these with certain songs once they have listened to the album.  I used the main colours red and black to help create a house style. I added a lighting effect called ommi in the centre.  This 'exploded' out from the middle to cover all parts of the digipak helping link them together. I also added all of the generic conventions to the digipak such as the songs being listed in order, a bar code and a copyright paragraph.
This was my second design.  My idea was to have a 'vintage' bird cage which had objects inside representing the different songs on the album.  This cage was then held up by ribbon which would be featured on the inside of the digipak to help create a house style.  I used the same font text as on my first digipak design for my artist and album name on the front of the digipak. I like this style text and it also looks like robbin linking strongly with the house style of this design. The back of the digipak is similar to my first design in layout. This is because I feel this is the most conventional and attractive layout for my target audience. At the top I had butterflies to help add interest to the digipak. On the inside of the digipak, the butterflies continued and the red ribbon was featured again reinforcing the house style. I decided to have song lyrics on the part of the digipak not covered by the CD to help make the digipak more interesting. I liked the ideas within this design. However, I feel that it would target more of my female target audience and ignore the smaller male audience.
This was my third digipak design. I used the idea of flower patterns to create my digipak house style. On the front of the digipak I had a flower pattern which framed my artist and album name. I once again used the same style font as before. On the front of the digipak, I liked how the pattern framed the text making it stand out. I once again used a similar layout for the back of my digipak. This time I moved the Universal logo and barcode to the sides of the digipak to allow for larger text. I had a black flower image behind the text which works as a watermark. This was very effective and made the digipak seem more professional. To make the song names stand out, I had them in a bright red colour linking to the album name text colour on the front of the digipak. On the inside of the digipak I had a mirror image pattern. This looked professional and interesting but possibly a little plain for the target audience. In this design, there are several ideas, such as the watermark on the back of the digipak, that I liked. However, to use this as my final design and create it as a real digipak, I would have to create all my own patterns. This would take up a considerable amount of time and work to make them look professional.

This is the design I have decided to create into a real digipak. I have chosen this design because I liked the ideas within it. However, I am going to change several things about this design. Within the bird cage, I am going to have several different objects which will represent different songs on the album. Depending on which objects work within the cage and which ones I can find, some of the song names displayed on this design will change. The only one which will definitely stay is Glue because that is the song I used for my music video.  I am going to make my digipak more attractive to the male part of my target audience. I am going to change the background colour from a yellow cream to possibly a white to make it more masculine. Instead of the butterflies, I am going to take photos of some of the objects which will be displayed in the bird cage in the image at the front of the digipak. These will then be seen around the digipak to help represent the songs and to create a house style. One of the main things I liked from my third digipak design was the watermark on the back of the digipak. I am going to try re-create this using the house style from this digipak design. One of my ideas is to take a picture of the bird cage empty and use that as the watermark. 

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