Tuesday 4 December 2012

Magazine Deconstruction 2

Magazine Deconstruction 2
This layout of CD magazine advertisement I have deconstructed is the format where there are images of the band to promote the new album. I have decided to construct the advert for the band "Mumford & Sons" for their debut album "Sigh No More". The album was released on the 2nd of October 2009. The album was a great success for the band winning several awards and helping them gain a large fan base from several countries across the world including America.
The bands cover artwork for their album "Sigh No More" can be seen to the right. There is little reference to this cover art in the magazine advertisement. This meant the advert could be made in any way to help advertise the band and album the best. However, one disadvantage of this is that when audience members try to find a physical copy of the album, they may not instantly recognise the artwork meaning they don't instantly have a connection with the album.  

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