Friday 21 September 2012


I have to now decide on who I would like to use to become my new female indie solo artist. This is because of the proximity of filming my music video.  Picking the right person is important because they need to target and attract my target audience of mainly females, but males too aged 15-20.
In my music video, the narrative is that a boyfriend and girlfriend break up. Therefore, ideally I would need my lead female to attract my target audience and have a boyfriend so when I film, I can have more realistic emotions. making the music video more attractive to my target audience.

Above on the left would be my lead female. She is now 18 and so would attract most of the target audience range. The male on the right is her boyfriend aged 17. Therefore he would also attract the target audience. He also looks older than his age which helps this too.
This couple were going to be the people I was going to use for my music video and promotional package. However, when I asked the lead female if she would like to participate, there were several issues with the times that she was available, together with the lead male to film. Therefore I had to discount the couple.

The female in the right hand picture would be my lead female artist. She is 17 years old so therefore would attract most of the target audience with her appearance and music. She is pretty meaning she will attract both male members and female members of the target audience to her music too. On the left is a picture of the lead female and her boyfriend which would be the lead male. He is of a similar age to my lead female making him attract the target audience also.
Initially both the lead female and male agreed to star in my music video. However, there were several complications arranging a time convenient for all parties. After many delays I decided to use a different set of actors.


The lead female and male are both aged 17. Therefore would target most of my target audience. Although not my initial choice,  the lead female attends the same sixth form as me so is therefore available for all of the shots in school a lot of the time. After asking both the lead male and female they have both agreed to star in my music video.

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