Thursday 27 September 2012

Filming Practises

Filming Practises

For the chorus of my music video, I wanted my artist 'creating' lyrics with her hands. Therefore, I needed to have a clear set of movements which I could teach my artist and also some idea how to frame the shot so it looks effective when lyrics are added in the editing process. Below are several of my practise pieces of filming

Practise Number 1
I started off using a mid shot so there was lots of space for my hands to move. However, this isn't effective as my hands weren't stretching to use the whole of the shot meaning there was empty space around me.  After re-watching this segment I also didn't like how on the lyrics "But now we're not sticking" my hands where stuck together. This looked like a religious symbol which wasn't the connotation I wanted.

Practise Number 2
This pratcise is similar to the one before in terms of shot length. I am slightly off centre which I need to make sure doesn't happen when I am filming my real artist.  This time I changed my movements for the lyrics "But now we're not sticking". Instead I lowered my hands and then raised them again for Glue. However, I wasn't a fan of my movements for "Dry".

Practise Number 3
For this practise I changed the type of shot from a mid shot to a medium close up. This was effective as it made use of the space. it also meant when the lyrics were added in the editing process they would be larger and help convey the point of these shots to the target audience. I changed my movements and these are the final movements I have chosen to use.
Practise Number 4
This practise is the one I chose to use to edit. This is because all of the movements were near perfect, the type of shot was correct and I was almost framed perfectly centre.

Editing Number 1
This is my first practise at editing where I added lyrics into the shot. While editing I was glad I had taken the time to practise this sequence as it allowed me to learn the processes needed in the editing process. It also enhanced my knowledge on how to frame this shot when filming my final music video so I get the best shots possible. I tried black text in a bold font to start with. I thought this looked smart and effective but possibly a little boring.  
Editing Number 2
This is my second practise at editing. I changed the font to a more dynamic font. However after viewing both together I decided I prefered the first font that I used. Ideally I would like a font that was similar to the stop motion lettering that I used at the start of my music video.  I changed the font text to red. Even though it brightened up the shot and made it look more dramatic, I wasn't a fan of the colour. When I edit my real music video I will experiment with font colours more to find the perfect balance between colours and shot dynamics. 

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