Monday 17 September 2012



In my shot list, I stated several different locations which I would ideally like to use for my music video. However many of the locations I would love to use are not possible to film in. Therefore I have scouted around my local area to find locations which i can film in that still work for my music video


My first location for my music video is in Bishops Palace Gardens in Chichester. I wanted a remote pretty location and this is what Bishops provides. Since it is located in Chichester It should be easy enough location to film at with my artist. The potential problems include the props I need for this scene which is two numbers. I am going to have to either make them or buy them as in my story boards i tried using a piece of paper with a number on and it didn't show up in my long angle wide shots. Another issue is the mise-en-scene of the shot. As it is a public park, I may have people walking past in shot. Therefore I am going to have to film at a time where the park is quiet such as early morning.


  For the first chorus, I needed a blank background. Therefore I am using one of the corridors in my school. I have chosen this location as it works effectively and is easy to access. I don't need any permission to use it.  For this shot I experimented with lighting to give the shot a extra dimension. I used one of the lights from the media department to create shadow behind my model. This worked effectively exspecially with the hand movements that will be used in this sequence of the music video. Therefore I am going to use the same shot set up for when I film my final video. The possible problems with using this location would be noise and people walking past my filming location. Therefore I would have to film either during lessons using notices  on the double doors so people don't distract my artist and walk past.


    I wanted a home like location for my next section of my music video. This is where their is a flashback through time to see the boyfriend and girlfriend arguing then a graphic match to the present time to see the lead singer sitting alone. The location I am going to use is the sofa in my own house. There are desk lights located on the other side of the room which are effective in putting light in my actors eyes. I don't need any permission to use this location. The background behind the sofa however does need to be changed. For example the photos off the walls and out of shot. This is something I can do before commencing my final filming in this location. The possible problems of this location is getting my actors there at a mutually convenient time. However if the time was arranged in advance and travel planned this shouldn't be too much of a problem


      I wanted a remote location for my graphic match of a photo to a new location such as the top of a hill or a field. However I have decided to use a beach instead. Above is Bognor Beach which i have chosen to use due to it being close to where my actors live. There are several potential problems with this location. The first would be light. Due to no electricity supplies, I cannot add any artificial light to any shots I might take. Therefore it needs to be a bright day when I film so the shots are not too dark.  The other problem is litter on the beach which can be seen in the picture on the right. I need to chose my section of the beach carefully to make sure the mise-en-scene is correct and there is nothing that shouldn't be in shot. It is a pebble beach meaning there may also be issues balancing the tripod to get the correct shot. This will have to be something I need to experiment with on the day of filming.


    This location is in the cafe in Chichester where I work. Therefore I have consistent access to the cafe after hours and full permission from the owner to use this cafe for my music video. The mirror by two of the tables in the cafe helps to create a interesting visual shot so therefore I will use in in my shot. This section will be edited to be in sepia so the colours of the shot are not important. However I need to make sure there is always enough light in the shot and that the mise-en-scene is correct. I experimented with the use of coffee glasses on the table with my storyboard and decided that the shots would look better with some coffee on the table as it looks more realistic. The central location of the cafe in Chichester makes it easy to film in as a time can be convenient time can be arranged easily between myself and my actors to film. The potential problems would be people in shot walking past the window and light. By using the mirror I also need to make sure I can not be seen filming with the camera in the mirror. However I practised the series of shots and found good positions where I cannot be seen.


    For the last chorus of the song I am having a extreme close up of my artists red lips singing. Therefore I just need a blank background location where there is a electricity supply for extra lighting. Therefore I am going to use the same location as my first chorus, a coridoor in school. I am have chosen this locatiopn because of the convienance of it. Howevrer I will have the same problems as before with noise and distractions from people walking past. I can film this section at the same time as the first chorus to save time in setting up the shots.

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