Monday 6 August 2012

Analysis of Generic Music Questionnaire

Analysis of Generic Music Questionnaire

To distribute my questionnaires I used the new technology of the social networking site of Facebook. I randomly selected 10 people who I knew where around my initial target audience range who were both male and female and had a interest in the indie genre so I could receive the most useful information. Using Facebook as a method of distribution worked well as it was quick and effective. I am now going to analyse the results of the questionnaire to see what information I can find from my initial target audience.

What is the most common way you view music videos?
90% of the people who completed my questionnaire said they viewed music videos on the Internet. Due to the young nature of my target audience they have all grown up with technology and use it every day. Because of this, this majority result doesn't surprise me and was what i expected from my target audience

How often do you purchase music?
The answers for this question varied widely from several times a week to rarely. The majority however responded that they brought music at least once a month.

What is the most common way you purchase music?
70% responded that they illegally downloaded music. Illegal downloading poses a real problem within the music industry as artists loose out on a large amount of money along with the recording companies and distribution companies. This large amount of illegal downloading within my target audience range also poses would be problem to me and my new artist if the music was to be officially released. The other 30% did purchase their music illegally with 10% using iTunes, 10% using another legal online downloading site and 10% purchasing music in shops. This symbolises how downloading music online from stores such as iTunes has replaced original shop album and single sales in the modern day due to the advances in technology.

If an album had a attractive digipack and booklet would you be more likely to purchase the album in a shop rather than download it?
I thought this was a interesting question to ask as it would tell me how much my target audience value the design of an album. On download stores such as iTunes you can download the booklet that comes with the album. However, as it is a digital version its not the same as having a paper copy.  60% answered the question with yes with 20% saying no and 20% saying I don't know. This suggests that one way I could try and combat the issue of illegal downloading is to create a attractive digipack and booklet to encourage the target audience to purchase their music in a shop legally.

Do you purchase music magazines?
Only 40% of my target audience that completed a questionaire responded that they did buy music magazines. This is a figure which is lower than i expected but it may be because of my sample.  However those who responded yes buy a magazine once or a few times a month suggesting that those who do buy music magazines buy them consistantly. I asked this question to link it with the next question to see the power of advertising in a music magazine

If you saw a advertisment for a new album in a music magazine would it encourage you to buy the album?
60% responded with the answer yes suggesting that advertising in a music magazine would be a successful way of promoting my new artists album. By advertising it may also decrease the amount of illegal downloads to promote profits from the new album.

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