Wednesday 15 August 2012

Shot List Lesson

Shot List Lesson

     As a class, we spent a double lesson at the end of last term learning the importance of shot lists and also how to create them. Above is the sheet we were given demonstrating a pre-existing example of a shot list. It describes how first you can annotate your ideas around the lyrics of the song which have been broken up into timed segmants. Then a table can be constructed with the shot ideas, location, framing, action, dialogue or in my case lyrics, actors, props and any other notes about the shot such as editing ideas.

The task in that lesson was to create a shot list for a piece of music we had not previously looked at. We were given the lyrics to the song which was "Drive" by "The Cars". Different sections such as the verses and musical interlude were timed and the lyrics broken up into timed segmants. See below.
    We then split off into small groups to create a shot list  for our given section. Our section was the middle third of the song which included the musical interlude. Together as a group we did create our own idea for the songs music video, as shown below.

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