Thursday 30 August 2012

Video deconstructions X2

Video Deconstructions X2

    Now I have completed my shot list, I have a rough idea of what I would ideally like for my music video using the song: "Nina Nesbitt- Glue".  The next step is to once again look at already existing music videos to gain ideas about how I should present my music video and what generic conventions I need to include to make it look realistic. Unlike my first set of video deconstructions, I shall not be looking at the full music video. Instead I shall be deconstructing and analyising small sections that have some relevence to my ideas in my shot list. For example, similar themes, ideas, shots, ediitng techniques.

    Acording to Goodwins theory of generic conventions of all music videos there is often interexttual referewnces within music videos to films, TV programmes, other gvideos etc. Therefore if I find any shots within other music videos or other short sections, it would be possible to take the idea and include it within my music video as it would be keeping to generic conventions of other music videos.

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