Saturday 11 August 2012

Music Video Questionnaire Analysis

Music Video Questionnaire Analysis

    I have now received 10 questionnaires back from my target audience. Like with my first set of questionnaires, Facebook proved an affective way to distribute my questionnaires and i received fairly quick replies from members of my target audience. I am now going to analyse the questionnaires to see their wants and expectations when it comes to a indie genre music video.3

3. Do you watch music videos?
   100% of my target audience replied to this question with yes, keeping to my expectations of their viewing habits of music videos

4. How often do you watch music videos?
100% of my target audience viewed music videos at least monthly. Which means it could be a effective advertising tool to sell my music track as music videos are so commonly viewed by my target audience .60% said they viewed music videos more often than once a week which backs up this idea further.

5. How do you view music videos? 
90 % said they used the Internet to view music videos with 1 participant saying they used TV to view music videos. This keeps to my expectations. The generation my target audience are in have grown up with the technological revolution of the Internet. Video sharing sites such as Veoh and YouTube now allow everybody to view music videos. not only on computers but on other electronic devices such as mobile phones, TV's and tablets. out of this 90%, 70% of them said they used YouTube as their preferred video sharing website to view music videos. This shows the dominance of YouTube as a online website in the modern day. This information is useful to me as it shows my music video would be better placed online than on a TV music channel in the modern day to optimise the amount of people in my target audience viewing the music video.

6. Have you every brought a music video? If no would you ever consider buying one?
Surprisingly, only 10% of my target audience questioned has previously brought a music video. I thought the figure would be higher than this but the purchasing of music videos through downloadable stores such as iTunes is still a relatively new innovation so it may have not caught on yet. 30% answered the second question with the answer yes saying they would consider buying a music video. This suggests there is some money to be made through music videos but generally video's are still seen more as a advertising tool for the song itself.

7. If a music video had a narrative running throughout it, would you find it more interesting to watch?
100% of my target audience responded to this question with the answer yes. This is within keeping to my expectations as it was one of the generic conventions of music videos that Goodwin's theory states. This confirms my ideas that my music video does need a narrative running throughout to keep my target audience interested in my music video and the song it is trying to advertise.

8. If a music video included animation such as Gotye's music video 'Somebody I Used To Know' would you find it more interesting to watch?
Ever since taking part in the animation workshop back in June, I have been considering the idea of using stop-go animation in my music video to make it creative and unique. 60% of my target audience responded to this question with the answer yes. This makes me more certain about putting my animation in my music video as I know the majority of my target audience like it. However only parts of my music video will feature animation to please the full 100% of my target audience, not just the 60% who responded with the answer yes in this question.

For both the questionnaires I conducted, my initial proposed target audience answered the questions to my expectations. Therefore I am going to make my initial target audience(primarily females but males too aged 15-20) my official target audience for my promotional package.

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